Monday, March 28, 2011

Custom fodder: Stats Splash Turbo Racer Boat

Another toy found for a friendly price and purchased with a specific purpose: G.I.Joe... adaptation.

I must say I always had the fixation with toy boats such as Racing Remote Controlled Boat. And I still hold this dream of customizing a Moray Hydrofoil with R/C capabilities. But returning to this actual item, it was found in the "aqua sports and pools" section at some Toys R Us store, and considering the low price, captured my attention. The definite "ok" would be given by the scale/size. That dark windshield is so cool.

Given the toy boat size, I had a future fast attack or escape boat in mind for Joes or Cobra in the custom line.

Some all around shots give you an idea of the hull shape and engine positioning, all pretty good for the money spent.

The engine requires a "C" size battery and supposedly turns on upon contact with water. Will be tried, I assure you. For now, I´ll take their word for it.

For the interesting part. Disassembling the cockpit and scale shots with ARAH G.I.Joe figure. I wouldn´t consider this to be a "on the fly" conversion. The scale is about 90% on the money, but as we all know, many if not most Hasbro lines vehicles weren´t scaled for the figures, but adapted for playability maintaining them as realistic in size as possible. Same happens here and I can´t wait to shape it even more.

Status: Unavailable

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