Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Star Wars Exhibit

An honorable mention to all SWCP members for yet another great gathering. Not the first one we have been invited to, but this time around, we managed to be present.
Photos: Pedro Nascimento and Filipe Oliveira
Great guys, fine collectors and a good atmosphere. Some of them are actually trade partners with our spot. Inclusively, we left a little "alliance" tribute.

Photos: Pedro Nascimento and Filipe Oliveira
As always, star wars fans are huge defenders of their "universe" and they can be found in large packs :) Keep at it guys! And we´ll always be honored to be present!

May the Force be with you!

1 comment:

  1. Obrigado pela edição no vosso blogue acerca da nossa exposição e pelos brindes!
    Que a Força esteja convosco!


Thank your for being part of this!