A Toys R Us exclusive, it is actually a Toy Quest product (a division of Vanley) which is an American L.A. based company. Found in Pau, France during a "toy hunting" trip in 2009, this R/C M1A2 Abrams-looking tank. Watch video.
I never again found this tank in any Toys R Us. Good thing I got it, or I´d never forgive myself. It was actually a present from my (then) girlfriend, now my wife. Poor soul!
Included items.
Included accessories. Missile and control.
Figure: Tank Commander. Basic articulation, but fair looking. Not bad at all.
Radio Control Launching Tank. A fantastic piece with a good size (about the same size as the G.I.Joe Mauler). A bit smaller than the other True Heroes Tank TRU also had then. Needs 8 AA batteries.
6 way Multi-directional Control. 9V x1
300ยบ Launching action, a very good paint job and lots of detail (as a toy).Only one working hatch, though. Well, we can´t have it all, at least we got one.
Cannon fires an included missile (manual). I have seen a radio controlled M1 a while ago that one could fire the cannon from the remote. Very cool.
Included figure stationed.
... and G.I.Joe Heavy Metal figure. Of course!
Status: Unavailable