Monday, January 31, 2011

Marvel Legends and Chap Mei

Using X-Men Classics Stealth Cyclops from Marvel Legends, we are able to see just how notorious Chap Mei weapons and accessories may become not only for Marvel Legends figures collectors, but for G.I.Joe fans. 

Some true artists have used these 6" figures to customize classic G.I.Joe characters for a while now. The results are truly great and examples are all around. Chap Mei may give the edge to some of them! 

CM designs perfectly fit the G.I.Joe universe. And while most are too big to fit the 3 3/4" lines, when it comes to 6", one can confirm the exact opposite: Most fit!

Heavy weapons from Soldier Force lines, chainsaw from Police Force lines.

Rifles and SMGs from Soldier Force lines.

 Even melee weapons from Legends of Knights.

Some of the bigger backpacks can be used and an array of weapons and accessories from Dino Valley/ Quest to Ninja series.

Status: Check CM Surplus Fan Markt for some of these and many other weapons and accessories for your Marvel Legends collection and customs.



  1. Luís Galileu "ToneGuns" TonelliFebruary 1, 2011 at 12:43 AM

    Once in a toy store I found a guy buying Chap Mei and asked if he was a collector. He said yes, but of Legends and the guns where intended for his Punisher :).

  2. I´m guessing that guy must be one of many :) Everybody knows CM guns kick butt, but when Legends customs became known, it became a whole new game.

  3. Luís Galileu "ToneGuns" TonelliFebruary 1, 2011 at 6:51 PM

    The biggest problem that made Chap Mei look obscure it's his articulation, the second problem are the oversized guns. Like you said, they have guns that kick butts, but out of scale for their figures and any other 3 3/4. At least they got us some cool computers and other acessories.


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