Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lego 4025: Fire Boat

 Released in 1982, this "Boats" theme set was a winner. A favorite of many collectors, was the basis for other future models.

Golden age of Lego!

Included minifigs: 3.

This was actually one of my favorites when I was but a little boy. Never having the chance to own one back then, it is with great satisfaction that I now hold one to show. Great little toy. 150 pieces!

Included, 3 counterweights to keep it afloat.

It would then of course make it a bigger boat, heavier... and a lot of fun.

Even bigger. The lip on the keel bottom enables you to attach different kinds of motors (not from Lego) to the ship.

Elevating platform and water cannons. Firehose stations...

Full of details on a a mini man scale. Yet another reason to miss the 80s!

Status: Available


  1. A very cool and classic set from Lego.

  2. I remember drooling all over the 82 catalog, the first one I ever had! lol


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