Orko, the funny court magician who could never cast the right spell was reincarnated in the 2002 series. With a fabulous new sculpting, his pose, spread skinny fingers, pointy ears and crazy eyes are everything you need to know about this little friend!
Apparently able to (finally) help his Heroic friends with a mighty magical orb!
MOC, 2003 series.
Orko "floating" on top of his stand. The clothing is a work of art by comparison with the vintage figure. For that matter, the whole figure is another ball game. Oh, and yes, Orko has legs... at least he has knees!
Included accessory, the magic staff!
A beautiful magical Orb and Orb launcher complete the set. Spring-loaded.
Orko was one of those hard to find figures, since it´s said there was only one per case of MOTU figures. And as you can see, a definite must in a MOTU 200X fan. Besides, where would He-Man be if it wasn´t for Orko? Or better put, in many episodes, what would He-Man do if it wasn´t for Orko´s foul-ups?
In conclusion, arguably one of the best remakes of the entire line! A dead-on by Four Horsemen Toy Studio.
Status: Available for trade
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