Monday, January 7, 2013

Madelman 2050 Falcon

Zarkon´s Sinister Intergalactic Command Space Ship  

Another spectacular toy from the 80s, this Zarkons vehicle is another reason why the era is so cherished by all of us.

MIB 1988, Exin.

Half-assembled vehicle, sticker sheet, parts, comics, and even a quality control document.

And ready to attack Hombres C.O.T.A.!

Not only amazing for itself, this vehicle´s parts can be used with other vehicles to form amazing new inventions. Snap on, stay on sort of mechanics.

Claws open and close to catch figures and serve as landing gear. A complex system in high quality plastic.

Ready to fit Serpion, star pilot!

Interactive force changes the alien faces into human face-masks when they assume command of the vehicle. Neat!

Solar reactor, active missile launchers and the powerful claws are but a few weapons of this fast moving attack ship.

The Zarkons are coming!

Status: Unavailable


  1. Very good interview Vehicle friend, really, is a great collection of the "MADELMAN 2050" and made in "SPAIN" I must say! lol, anyway, I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your blog / website, simply great, I have it in favorites, and usually see very often mate.

    I have all the first wave of action figures from the "Madelman 2050" enpaquetada, then I have also loose bone out of the packaging, and the truth is that I enjoy them, I consider them very original considering the time have, even the colors seem great, considering that they are very strong colors, then I've had a few cars, but they are a genius, you can even conbinar with others, using or taking off parts, in order of the best collections of figures action of the time that I have seen, along with the classic GI Joe.

    Regards and keep it up, great interviews toys!

  2. Oh man that thing is so cool! Like a cross between GI Joe and He-Man.

  3. @jboypacman: You are right, someone said it looks like the MOTU Talon fighter.
    @ReCoiL: Extensive comment, my friend! And I sign under it. One of the best 80s lines.


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